Fees & Rates
Clinics & Lessons
Fairways & Greens

Golf Leagues & Groups

Tuesdays at 10:30am—9 holes
Senior League
Come join other seniors for a great time on Tuesday mornings.  No need to call ahead, just drop in.  Our thanks to Jerry Norris for organizing this group. 

Kenai Golf Associations Social Night for Men and Women on Thursdays—mid August new tee off 5:30 shotgun start.
All levels of golfers are welcome to participate.  9 holes with varied formats.  Entry fee is $12 per person, $10 for KGA members.  
Stay afterwards for a late dinner—Food starts May 30th - August 29th.  

Friday is Skins Day!  Inquire with Craig in the clubhouse.
HomeFees & RatesTournamentsClinics & LessonsLeaguesFairways & Greens 

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